Inner Wheel birthday gift

Inner Wheel is celebrating a significant birthday this year. It was 100 years ago that Marguerite Golding and others in Manchester, England got the wheels turning on the formation of a club for wives of members of then male-only Rotary clubs.

In Australia, Inner Wheel says: “We are women in action working together to make a difference and improve lives.”

The Inner Wheel Club of Melville, now 63-years-old, is honouring the milestone by providing awards to worthy local students. Two North Lake students have been awarded  Marguerite Golding Scholarships.

Robyn Metcalf, President of the Inner Wheel Club of Melville, presented the scholarships along with Ednamay Foston (Secretary), Glynis Armstrong (International Officer) and NLSC Principal Gary Anderson.

The winners are…

Masoma Wahdat (IEC): a hard working student aspiring to study psychology at university after completing Year 11 and 12 at North Lake.


Eli Pamploma (Year 11): an aspirational and highly community-minded student who is a campus leader and Breakfast Club volunteer.

Another Marguerite Golding Scholarship will be awarded in the coming weeks. Look out for details.